

IBADER (University of Santiago de Compostela)

The University of Santiago de Compostela is one of the university institutions with the greatest tradition in Europe. It has its own Sustainable Development Plan, applies the GRI G3 indicators according to the ISO 2600 Standard, and has participated in the preparation of the Galician Circular Economy Strategy 2019-2030, which includes the implementation of Circular/Green Public Procurement and the promotion of the European ecological label EU Ecolabel. Within USC, IBADER-USC will be the Department in charge of LIFE GLOBAL, where the personnel and technical resources necessary for its execution are concentrated.

IBADER-USC is a mixed university institute, made up of three public bodies: University of Santiago de Compostela, Provincial Council of Lugo and Xunta de Galicia (regional government). These 3 institutions make up the Governing Council of IBADER-USC. Since its creation, it has carried out multiple projects and contracts related to monitoring the state of conservation, evaluation and management of natural habitats and wild species, especially those included in Directives 92/43/CEE and 2009/147/CE. Its greatest asset has been the preparation of the Master Plan for the 75 Natura 2000 areas (59 ZEC and 16 ZEPA) in the Galician region. However, it also has experience in the characterization of habitats, participating in the regional and national inventory of habitats, which results in the publication of specific monographs on the criteria for the characterization and identification of Galician habitats of community interest.

All this high experience in conservation and management of biodiversity has resulted in participation in more than 10 LIFE projects in total, 5 of which are LIFE Nature, coordinating 1 of them, among which LIFE TREMEDAL (LIFE11 NAT/ES /000707), LIFE BACCATA (LIFE15 NAT/ES/000790), LIFE FLUVIAL (LIFE16 NAT/ES/000771) and LIFE IP PAF-WILD ATLANTIC NATURE (LIFE18 IPE/IE/000002).




COILLTE is a public forestry company, owned by the Irish State, which manages approximately 7% of the national land area. COILLTE has been independently certified according to the FSC standard since 2001 for the implementation of sustainable forest management. COILLTE is also actively involved in recreation and nature conservation, providing outdoor recreation in Ireland with over 3,000 km of trails, 260 recreation sites and 12 parks forestry. COILLTE Nature, whose team will be involved in this project, is a unit within Coillte that focuses on the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity in large-scale projects. 

Since 2000, COILLTE has restored over 3,200 ha of peatland habitat and 2,340 ha of natural forest habitats, mostly in Natura 2000, which has made it possible to support the LIFE Nature program since 2002 in several LIFE habitat restoration projects, accumulating a significant experience. COILLTE provides training for employees and contractors engaged in conservation projects and nature restoration. In addition, COILLTE has collaborated with the Forest Service for training of foresters and ecologists registered under the Native Forest Program of the Service Forestry (NWS).

COILLITE takes a committed approach to sustainability, in particular with regard to efficiency energy, waste management, recycling and the use of environmentally friendly products and services ambient. Coillte's procurement policy is based on the principle of competitive bidding and operates in in accordance with the European regulations on public procurement, so that it will comply with the precepts of Green Public Procurement, and will promote the figure of the EU-Ecolabel ecological label.



Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural - Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Vivenda, Xunta de Galicia

The General Directorate of Natural Heritage (DXPN), in accordance with Decree 42/2019, is the competent regional public body in matters of conservation, protection, sustainable use, improvement and restoration of the natural heritage and biodiversity of Galicia, exercising conservation management and planning of the spaces that make up the Galician Network of Protected Areas and the Natura 2000 Network of Galicia or other areas of high environmental value, the dissemination of the values of the natural heritage, the management of natural habitats, the wild flora and fauna, the natural landscapes and the singular elements of the gea of the Galician Autonomous Goberment. DXPN is the owner of the lands of the Cíes, Ons and Sálvora archipelago where LIFE INSULAR will act, which will result in the long-term maintenance of the conservation actions contemplated in the project.

DXPN prepared and approved Decree 37/2014, by which the Special Conservation Areas (ZEC) were declared in accordance with DC 92/43/CEE, and the Master Plan of the Natura 2000 Network of Galicia was approved. This Plan constitutes the planning and management instrument that establishes a set of objectives and management measures for the Natura 2000 Network, in order to ensure a favourable state of conservation of the types of natural habitats and species of community interest in the area. DC 92/43/CEE and DC 2009/147/CE. The implementation of this Plan reinforces the long-term maintenance of the actions of LIFE INSULAR in the long term within the SACs of Galicia included in the project. DXPN integrates all aspects related to circular/green public purchasing and the promotion of the European ecological label EU Ecolabel, which are a fundamental part of the Galician Circular Economy Strategy 2019-2030, which includes its implementation throughout the Galician Autonomous Administration.



Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage

The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) is the Irish Government department that oversees heritage protection. Its aims are to promote and protect Ireland's natural and built heritage, support the sustainable and efficient delivery of well-planned housing, and provide effective local government. DHLGH provides the legislative and policy framework for nature and biodiversity conservation in Ireland, overseeing its implementation. The DHLGH service in charge of participating in LIFE INSULAR is the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS), whose responsibilities are:

- Achieve the conservation of a representative range of ecosystems, flora and fauna in Ireland;

- Designation and protection of Natura 2000 sites;

- Designate and protect Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs);

- Direct the application of national and European legislation and policies, as well as the implementation of international conventions and agreements related to the conservation of biodiversity.

DHLGH (originally DCHG) is the coordinating beneficiary of the integrated LIFE LIFE18 IPE/IE/000002 (LIFE-IP PAF Wild Atlantic Nature), which has EU co-financing of €12,374,285. The SNaP to be drafted under this proposal will complement and build on this project. In addition to that project, NPWS has extensive experience leading or participating in LIFE projects since 1992 (as described on Form A7).

DHLGH will implement a clear green public procurement policy for all purchasing areas of the project, as well as the promotion of the European EU-Ecolabel ecological label. This will be achieved through the application of the GUIDELINES FOR PUBLIC PROCUREMENT OF GOODS AND SERVICES (Version 2, 2019), which will be applied in all project contracting procedures, in which all necessary environmental considerations will be included, as well as like green shopping.



Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales

The Autonomous Body for National Parks (OAPN), created by Royal Decree 1055/1995, is an autonomous body attached to the Minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, who chairs it. Its main function and scope of activity is the exercise of powers in National Parks. In terms of nature conservation, it performs important work through the management of the more than 95,000 ha of high natural value that it is in charge of, complemented by an important role in environmental education, highlighting those developed through the Centre National Environmental Education (CENEAM).

OAPN is the owner of the land of the La Graciosa archipelago where LIFE INSULAR will act, which will result in the long-term maintenance of the conservation actions contemplated in the project. The integration of OAPN within the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECORD) is of great importance for the project, which is carried out within insular Natura 2000 Spaces that have the simultaneous declaration of National Parks, since MITECORD has the functions that Law 42/2007, of December 13, on natural heritage and biodiversity, attributes to the General State Administration for the proposal and execution of the Government's policy on the protection of natural heritage, biodiversity and sea. Among many others, it performs functions of drawing up common criteria for the development, conservation, management and financing of the Natura 2000 Network and protected natural areas.

OAPN integrates all aspects related to green public purchasing (or ecological purchasing) and the promotion of the European ecological label EU Ecolabel, which are a fundamental part of the Ecological Public Procurement Plan of the General State Administration, approved by means of the Council Agreement of Ministers of December 7, 2018.



Empresa de Transformación Agraria S.A., S.M.E., M.P

The Agrarian Transformation Company, S.A., S.M.E., M.P. (TRAGSA) has 43 years of experience working for Public Administrations at the service of society, from the provision of agricultural, forestry, livestock and rural development services, to environmental conservation and protection. Among the environmental actions that it develops, it is worth highlighting:

- Conservation of Biodiversity: actions under the Red Natura 2000 agreements. Inventory, diagnosis, characterization, conservation, management and monitoring of species of flora and fauna and terrestrial and marine habitats. Breeding and recovery centres for species management.

- Conservation of genetic resources: Monitoring and control of invasive species. Development and implementation of national, international and regional legislation on biodiversity conservation, preparation of conservation and recovery strategies and plans.

- Conservation, improvement and recovery of spaces: Planning of natural spaces. Maintenance, surveillance, restoration and control of terrestrial and marine natural spaces. Preparation of diagnostic studies for the regeneration of soils and aquifers.

- Silviculture and forest management: repopulation, thinning, pruning and clearing, with elimination of the plant debris generated. Forest exploitation and its application to bioenergy.

In addition, TRAGSA participates in the Wild Flora and Fauna Committee, in the Natural Protected Areas Committee, provides technical support to the two Councils that make up the Spanish Committee of the UNESCO MAB Program and participates in the Technical Support Group for the Habitat Committee. 

TRAGSA, in its capacity as a medium of the General State Administration, actively applies the Ecological Public Procurement Plan of the General State Administration, which incorporates ecological criteria in public contracting and promotes the European ecological label EU Ecolabel.




Asociación Amicos (Boiro)

Asociación de Desenvolvemento Galicia Suroeste Eurural

Asociación para la defensa de la naturaleza – WWF/Adena

Asociación para la defensa ecolóxica de Galiza (ADEGA)

Axencia de Turismo de Galicia

Ayuntamiento de Teguise


Caomhnú Árann EIP – Agri Operational Gruop

Colexio Oficial de Biólogos de Galicia (COBGA)

Communauté de Communes de Belle-Île-en-Mer

Concello de Sanxenxo

Concello de Vilagarcía de Arousa

Confraría de Pescadores “San Xosé” de Cangas

Confraría de Pescadores de Carreira e Aguiño

Consellería del Mar – Xunta de Galicia

Conservatorie botanique nationel de Brest

Departament of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH). - Government of Ireland

Direçao Regional do Ambiente e Alteraçoes Climáticas - Azores

Dirección General de la Costa y el Mar. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITERD)

Dirección Xeral de Xuventude, Participación e Voluntariado. Consellería de Política Social. Xunta de Galicia

DuneLIFE (LIFE17NAT/UK/000570)- Coordinating Beneficiary-Natural England

EUROPARC – España. Oficina Técnica

Facultad de Ciencias del Mar – Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Facultad de Geografía e Historia - Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Facultade de Biología – Universidade de Vigo

Federación Galega de Turismo Rural – FEGATUR

Fundación Biodiversisdad F.S.P.

Géoarchitecture, Territories, Urbanisation, Biodiversité, Environnement. UFR Sciences & Techniques, Université de Bretagne Occidentale

INDUROT, Universidad de Oviedo

Instituto de Estudios Ambientales y Recursos Naturales (i-UNAT)

Parc naturel marin d’Iroise. Office français dela biodiversité

Promoción exterior de Lanzarote S.A. (SPEL) – Turismo de Lanzarote

Research Group Geografía Física y Medio Ambiente. - Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Reserva de la Biosfera de Lanzarote

Secretaría Regional de Ambiente e Alteraçoes Climáticas – Ilha de Madeira

Sociedade Galega de Historia Natural (SGHN)

Sociedade para o Estudo e Conservación do Patrimonio Natural e Etnográfico

Stichting Waternet, manager of the Amsterdam Dunes

Subdirección General de Biodiversidad Terrestre y Marina. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITERD)

Syndicat mixte du Parc naturel regional d’Armorique

Viceconsejería de Lucha Contra el Cambio Climático – Gobierno de Canarias
