
2024/07/26: LIFE INSULAR attended the LIFE Adaptablues project workshop on adaptation to climate change

2024/07/26: LIFE INSULAR attended the LIFE Adaptablues project workshop on adaptation to climate change

The IBADER of the University of Santiago de Compostela, in its capacity as coordinating beneficiary of the LIFE INSULAR project, attended the workshop of the LIFE Adaptablues project on ...

To amplify information
 2024/07/07:  LIFE INSULAR held fifth coordination meeting

2024/07/07: LIFE INSULAR held fifth coordination meeting

The meeting was held by video call, and allowed to report on the progress of conservation actions in the Irish and Spanish project sites ...

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2024/06/26:  LIFE INSULAR partners become part of the new LIFE GLOBAL project

2024/06/26: LIFE INSULAR partners become part of the new LIFE GLOBAL project

On June 25, 2024, the launch meeting of the LIFE GLOBAL project was held at Inbiotec-CESEFOR (León). The beneficiaries IBADER-USC and DXPN are also part  ...

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2024/05/30: Wild Atlantic Nature LIFE project has won the 2024 Natura 2000 Award

2024/05/30: Wild Atlantic Nature LIFE project has won the 2024 Natura 2000 Award

The LIFE IP Wild Atlantic Nature project in which three partners of the LIFE INSULAR project participate (IBADER, COILLTE and the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage ...

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2024/05/22:  LIFE INSULAR attended the final conference of LIFE Dynamic Dunescapes project

2024/05/22: LIFE INSULAR attended the final conference of LIFE Dynamic Dunescapes project

The IBADER of the University of Santiago de Compostela, as coordinating beneficiary of LIFE INSULAR project, attended the final conference of project LIFE Sands of Life (SoLIFE) between ...

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2024/04/17: Networking event between LIFE INSULAR and LIFE MedCliffs

2024/04/17: Networking event between LIFE INSULAR and LIFE MedCliffs

LIFE INSULAR (LIFE20 NAT/ES/001007) and LIFE Medcliffs (LIFE20 NAT/ES/001223) have organized an online networking event, to carry out an intense exchange of the huge knowledge generated

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2024/02/26:  The elimination of exotic species in the PNMTIAG was awarded for the period 2023-2026

2024/02/26: The elimination of exotic species in the PNMTIAG was awarded for the period 2023-2026

The Xunta de Galicia, beneficiary partner of the LIFE INSULAR project, contracts the elimination of invasive exotic species on the Cíes, Ons and Sálvora islands of the maritime-terrestrial National Park  ...

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2024/02/20:  The controversial tree felling stage of the Life Insular dune restoration at Murvagh beach and forest has been postponed

2024/02/20: The controversial tree felling stage of the Life Insular dune restoration at Murvagh beach and forest has been postponed

This is due to a delay in obtaining approval for a felling licence. It was indicated by Coillte representative Karen Woods at a public meeting in November that such a delay was possible, though it ...

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13/02/2023: Annual phytosanitary report for 2023 of the PNMT Atlantic Islands of Galicia was published

13/02/2023: Annual phytosanitary report for 2023 of the PNMT Atlantic Islands of Galicia was published

The 2023 annual phytosanitary report of the PNMT Illas Atlánticas de Galicia was published, carried out by the company Arbol Técnicos within the framework ...

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2024/02/12: An informative guide to PNMTIAG lichens was published

2024/02/12: An informative guide to PNMTIAG lichens was published

The maritime-terrestrial National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia publishes an informative guide in fact sheet format that compiles data on the 230 species of lichens that inhabit this natural ...

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2024/02/05: The collection of plant material was resumed in the Galician sites of LIFE INSULAR

2024/02/05: The collection of plant material was resumed in the Galician sites of LIFE INSULAR

IBADER of the University of Santiago de Compostela, as coordinating beneficiary of LIFE INSULAR project, has begun the collection of plant material together with the specialized team ...

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2024/02/02: LIFE INSULAR project celebrates World Wetlands Day

2024/02/02: LIFE INSULAR project celebrates World Wetlands Day

LIFE INSULAR project celebrates World Wetlands Day with a technical visit to the project sites in the Wetland of International Importance of the...

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