The white crowberry (Corema album) is an ericaceae that grows mainly on fixed dunes of the Iberian Atlantic coast (Galicia, Portugal, Andalusia), although...
The project has provided valuable inputs to the updated Roadmap document, which has been also published on…
TRAGSA’s staff started the conservation works for preparing the land and removing senescent forest plantations and invasive trees on San Martiño Island (Cíes archipelago), with the...
What work will be carried out at The Raven between autumn 2023 and spring 2024? Dunes are beautiful natural places that are home to many types of plants and animals ...
The maintenance of genetic diversity and structure, and the evolutionary potential of populations, is crucial in...
The project has provided valuable inputs to the updated Roadmap document, which has been also published on…
The visit has made it possible to directly assess the progress of the first phase of the C3 action in the Irish Natura 2000 sites. IBADER-USC, NPWS and Coillte Nature teams ...
TheDutch research on restoration of dune dynamics to tackle nitrogen impact (Camiel Aggenbach, Mark van Til, Luc Geelen et all.) is nominated for the BTO implementation award! The purpose ...
To amplify informationYesterday, a day for the manual removal of invasive alien species (IAS) was held in the Cíes archipelago, in which members from ...
Yesterday the video The island of the pollinators, produced by the University of Vigo in collaboration with the Xunta de Galicia, was presented at the Visitor Center of the Maritime-Terrestrial ...
On May 24, 2023, a disclosure day was held on the islands of Sálvora in relation to the European day of national parks, the activity was aimed at people and companies related to the tourism activity ...
On May 24, 2023, an outreach day was held in the Cíes Islands in relation to the European day of national parks, the activity was aimed at all the visitors who came to the archipelago ...