Project team

IBADER (University of Santiago de Compostela) - Coordinating Partner


PhD in Biological Sciences
Full Professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela - Director of IBADER

Javier Ferreiro da Costa

PhD Forestry Engineer
Associate Researcher

Luis Gómez-Orellana R.

PhD in Biological Sciences
Associate Researcher

Hugo López Castro

Forestry Engineer
Associate Researcher

NPWS (Departament of Housing, Local Government and Heritage)

Aoife Delaney

BA (Mod), MRes, PhD.
Wildlife Inspector Grade II


Ciarán Fallon

BSc in Engineering, MSc and PhD
Coillte Nature Director


B.Agr.Sc. Forestry and M.Sc. Forestry
Operations Manager, Coillte Nature

Declan Little

PhD in native woodland soils
Coillte Nature Ecological Lead

Hedda Dick

BA in Communication, MSc in Sustainable Development
Coillte Nature Outreach Manager

Lyn Sheeran

Accountant specialising
Coillte Nature Finance Manager

TRAGSA (Empresa de Transformación Agraria S.A., S.M.E., M.P)

Susana Marcos Ramos

Forest Technical Engineer
Construction Manager - Provincial Management of Pontevedra

Javier Cuenca Duyos

Forest Technical Engineer
Construction Manager - Provincial Management of Pontevedra

DXPN (Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural, Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Vivenda - Xunta de Galicia)

José Antonio Fernández Bouzas

Degree in Biological Sciences
Curator Director, Illas Atlánticas de Galicia National Park

Montserrat Martínez Morán

Degree in Biological Sciences
Co-Curator Co-Director, Illas Atlánticas de Galicia National Park

Vicente Piorno González

Degree in Veterinary Science and PhD in Biology
Conservation Area, Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park

Emilia Castro Villaverde

Forestry Engineer
Technician of the Illas Atlánticas de Galicia National Park

OAPN (Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales - Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico)

Isabel López

Degree in Biological Sciences
Directora del Centro Isla de la Graciosa (OAPN)

Pablo García

Graduated in Environmental Sciences
Technician of the Graciosa Island Center (Oapn)

Pablo Seoane Fernández

Graduated in Environmental Sciences
Técnico en la Unidad de Apoyo a la Dirección del OAPN

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