The scope of the Complexo Ons – O Grove SAC (ES1140004), located within the Atlantic biogeographic region, includes the Ons Archipelago, the Umia-O Grove intertidal complex, the A Lanzada dune system, a coastal section of the peninsula of O Grove and the southern part of the Illa de Arousa and its associated islets; This entire system is located between the Ría de Pontevedra and the Ría de Arousa (Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain).
- Area (ha): 8,865,300
- Description of the area: Space that includes the islets to the northwest of Lanzarote and an important coastal strip
- Nature 2000 code: SAC ES7010045
- Other protection status in accordance with national or regional legislation: The SAC Complexo Ons – O Grove (ES1140004), which has an additional designation of 2 SPAs (ES0000087 and ES0000254), also declares two other protection figures in accordance with Law 42/2007 and Law 5/2019.
1. Protected Natural Area (National Park).
2. Protected Space Natura 2000 (Protected Space Natura 2000).
3. Area Protected by International Instruments (OSPAR Marine Protected Area, Ramsar Wetland of International Importance, UNESCO World Heritage (indicative list)).
Approximately 64% of the surface of the ZEC Complexo Ons – O Grove corresponds to marine areas. In the remaining 36% (land surface), natural environments (dune systems, wetlands, scrub areas, native forests and cliffs) represent 67% of the territory, agricultural use 15%, areas with forest plantations 11%. , urban use 4% while tourist use is concentrated in beach systems and other areas delimited for this purpose (3%).
The marine area of the ZEC Complexo Ons – O Grove (64%) is part of the Maritime-Terrestrial Public Domain (DPMT) while the ownership of the land area is divided into 84% of public ownership (owned by DXPN, associated beneficiary of LIFE INSULAR), 11% of private ownership and 5% of neighboring forests in common hands (regime of collective private property, specific to Galicia, by which the property is held by a group of neighbors).