2024/11/11: The course Discovering the birds of the PNMTIAG was held on Cortegada Island

In relation to the outreach activities of the LIFE INSULAR Project. On November 9 and 10, the ornithology course called Discovering the birds of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia's Maritime-Terrestrial National Park took place on Cortegada Island.

The course was taught by Diego Rodríguez Vieites, biologist, ornithologist and master in ecosystem restoration.

The course was developed over two days, one theoretical and one practical. The theoretical day was held on November 9, between 10 and 13:30, at the headquarters of the Gato Negro association in Carril (Vilagarcía de Arousa). On November 10, between 9 and 14 hours, the practical day was held, which took place on Cortegada Island itself, during a visit to this natural area.
