The Xunta de Galicia, beneficiary partner of the LIFE INSULAR project, contracts the elimination of invasive exotic species on the Cíes, Ons and Sálvora islands of the maritime-terrestrial National Park  ...

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2024/02/26: The elimination of exotic species in the PNMTIAG was awarded for the period 2023-2026

The Xunta de Galicia, beneficiary partner of the LIFE INSULAR project, contracts the elimination of invasive exotic species on the Cíes, Ons and Sálvora islands of the maritime-terrestrial National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia. The execution, endowed with a total of 129,893.50 euros, is part of the conservation actions of the UE LIFE INSULAR project. This transnational project co-financed with European funds in which Galicia, Spain and Ireland participate seeks to achieve the integrated restoration of island habitats on islands in the Atlantic Ocean.

The execution of these works, which have just been awarded, will take place over the next 33 months. The actions will focus on the grey dunes and their contact habitats to guarantee their favourable conservation status. To achieve these objectives, the initiative plans to implement a series of measures on the ground focusing on island habitat types 2130* (fixed coastal dunes with herbaceous vegetation) and 4030 (European dry heathland).

In addition, this contract will allow continuity of the work started in 2022 and also carried out last year in the Cíes, Ons and Sálvora archipelagos on the invasive exotic terrestrial flora (acacias, african daisy, etc.) whose presence has a very significant impact. negative impact on the state of conservation of the habitats and the island ecosystem itself.

Until November 2026, the successful bidder will have to carry out actions to improve the structure and functionality of the types of habitats typical of these islands through the elimination and control of invasive flora, using manual methods.
