The maritime-terrestrial National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia publishes an informative guide in fact sheet format that compiles data on the 230 species of lichens that inhabit this natural ...

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2024/02/12: An informative guide to PNMTIAG lichens was published

The maritime-terrestrial National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia publishes an informative guide in fact sheet format that compiles data on the 230 species of lichens that inhabit this natural space. The authors of the guide are the doctors in Biology Josefina Álvarez Andrés and María José Sánchez-Biezma, who had the support and collaboration of national park personnel.

The guide offers a vision of the lichen life existing in all the environments of the four archipelagos. The guide shows the high floristic richness and diversity of this natural space as well as the presence of unique species with a restricted distribution. Thus, fifteen of the species registered in the national park are included in the IUCN red list and two of them appear in the Galician Catalog of Endangered Species. It is important to study and know this little-known flora but with great importance for conservation in the national park.

Among the curiosities, Bactrospora carneopallida stands out, present in coastal areas of the Macaronesian and Saharo-Arab Region, Lecania aipospila, native to the British Isles, Norway, Sweden and the French Atlantic coast or Porina curnowii, recorded on the coasts of the southwest of England , southwestern Ireland and French Brittany.

The work is available in digital format for free download in the library on the national park website.

Access to the guide
