The project has provided valuable inputs to the updated Roadmap document, which has been also published on…
" />The updated roadmap has been presented in the 4th Atlantic Biogeographical Seminar in Germany during the past 4-6 September. This new version roadmap marks over 10 years of productive networking between policy makers, scientists, and coastal dune managers across the Atlantic Biogeographical Region within the framework of the EU’s Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process. The current version spans three reporting periods under the nature directives, three rounds of biogeographic seminars and numerous conferences, workshops, study tours, publication of best-practice manuals and research papers.
The updated dune roadmap has been published by the European Commission on its Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process pages It can downloaded from
From the amazing engagement that has been accomplished during the last coastal networking events, LIFE INSULAR project has provided valuable inputs to the final Roadmap document, which has been also published on the Beach and Dune Network website ( as it is very much a product of the network and is owned by the network.